Let's see what I can remember...
Sarah had her orientation at the U campus... And after, we found the magical Hideaway, a headshop. Poor Dana couldn't come in, as she wasn't 18 yet. She waited patiently in a nearby coffee shop, ready to let us know if the JIG IS UP!
There were body mod adventures, as stated in my last post, and lots of hookah smoking down by the river. Melon Blue sheesha (Starbuzz) is so so so good. It smells like fruit snacks!
There were grad parties galore, and lots of Jumbo Mallows.
Why did I buy these...?
We FINALLY got Sarah to watch Star Wars. FINALLY. It took us a couple days to get through all of them, but we did it! And it was good. Dana got a tattoo on her 18th birthday, and I got an AMAZING dress at the Bettie Page store.
Let's see... We went to the Pride festival (and got buttons with out picture on them!), went to a Dubstep show, and ate more Taco Bell than any human should ever eat. Ever.
Sarah left on Wednesday, and now I haven't really had anything to do. I've been watching Dana's pets, because she's out of town, and I haven't been sleeping well... I blame the pets.
A few days ago, I did so much hair I can hardly fathom it. Three people. Three! I even got paid! I've got customers and I haven't even started school, that's how good I am.
Will's is definitely my favorite.
Sam and I FINALLY started watching Lord of the Rings (I've never seen them!) and I must say, juding by the first one, they're REALLY good.
Tomorrow is the fourth of July, and Sam and I are going out to Stillwater to watch fireworks on the river. Who's excited? Me, I am!
I've been playing too much Pokemon...
That is some of the coolest hair people! I randomly found myself on this page by a computer error and I felt compelled to say hi and I love colors and pokemon to!!!